Sunday, August 23, 2009

day 2

day 2 was one hell of an adventure. I got lost trying to get into the smokey mountains and realized I didn't have enough time on this trip up to really do it sans-GPS in unfamiliar territory having to stop to look at maps constantly. With that figured out (and me slightly frustrated with the ****ers who flaked on sending me the GPS unit I bought from them) I decided to try to make it to Washington DC and see my friends from college Laura, Jason and Alissa.

somewhere in TN

again TN

entering Virginia!

see those reflections in the helmet? mountains. you don't see those in Texas...

unfortunately i was too tired to bust out the big camera for a good picture at night, but finally I get to DC


  1. Can't believe you went so far in 1 day -- BE CAREFUL when you take pictures while riding pls!! :)

  2. yay, I'm finally at home and can comment (bb wont let me!). You clocked some serious mileage! crazy!!!!

  3. good to see you in DC bud, see you Friday! i'm going to turn over that max speed data to the cops.
